Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Best SAT Prep Books 2014

The Best SAT Prep Books In 2014 are:-

1-The Official SAT Study Guide, 2nd edition by The College Board (Blue Book).

-Good materials. 

-Good explanations.

-Ten practice tests with answer keys.

-Use real SAT test questions.

-Very helpful for SAT preparation.

- Math portion is good.

Features 10 official SAT practice tests created by the test maker. With over 1,000 pages and more than 20 chapters, it's packed with the most up-to-date information regardless of the jacket and students need to get ready for the test.
Students will gain valuable experience and raise their confidence by taking practice tests, by reviewing critical concepts, test-taking approaches, and focused sets of practice questions just like those on the actual SAT.
The Official SAT Study Guide: Second Edition will help students get ready for the SAT with

-10 official SAT practice tests, including 3 new recent exams

-Detailed descriptions of math, critical reading, and  writing sections of the SAT

-Targeted practice questions for each SAT question    type

-Practice essay questions, along with sample essays and annotations

-A review of math concepts tested in the exam

-Test-taking approaches and suggestions that  underscore important points

-Free online score reports

-Exclusive access to online answers and explanations  at

If you are struggling in the vocabulary, the Direct Hits' Core Vocabulary is the best book to improve your vocabulary. It is focuses on the level 3 and 4 words a student needs to know to achieve a Critical Reading score above 500.
Click here to check the reviews on this book at Amazon 

2-SAT Prep Black Book: The Most Effective SAT Strategies Ever Published by Mike Barrett.

-Best strategies for the SAT test

-Good explanations.

-NO practice tests 

- Math portion is week.

-Strong on verbal technique.

The SAT Prep Black Book gives you unique, effective SAT strategies from Mike Barrett, a SAT tutor with clients all over the globe who pay him hundreds of dollars an hour for phone tutoring. The Black Book is a must-have, whether you need to
-Make a perfect 2400 to be competitive at an Ivy,
-Score a 450 in each section to claim a sports  scholarship,
-Or anything in between.
The SAT Prep Black Book works best when used with the authentic SAT questions in the "Blue Book," which is the College Board's Official SAT Study Guide. The Black Book shows you how to beat the SAT, while the Blue Book gives you real SAT questions to practice with. (The SAT Prep Black Book has no affiliation with the College Board.)
The Black Book and the Blue Book are all you need to get your best possible SAT score.
The Black Book is the ideal SAT book for 3 major reasons:
-It actually works, making it unique in the SAT prep field. There are no lists of "SAT vocab" to memorize or anything like that. Instead, you'll exploit design flaws in the SAT, using its own "SAT tricks" against it.
-The Black Book contains 250+ solutions for real SAT questions from the Blue Book, so you know it actually works. (You'll need the 2nd edition of the Blue Book to use these solutions.)
-The SAT Prep Black Book is a clear, concise roadmap to the SAT. (See the table of contents below). It explains exactly how every SAT question works, and how to beat it in the least time possible.
3-Barron's SAT, 26th Edition.

-Good materials. 

-Good explanations.

-Eight practice tests with answer keys for Five tests only.

-Not real SAT test questions.

- Math portion is very good.

-Weak in writing and critical reading section.

-A diagnostic test and five full-length practice tests  with all questions answered and explained
-Test-taking tactics for the exam as a whole, and  special strategies for each part of the test
-Subject reviews covering critical reading, grammar  and usage, and math
-Detailed instruction in writing the required SAT essay
-An overview of the SAT, an explanation of the test's  scoring method, and study advice 
Note: The book's strongest subject is Math.

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