Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Best SAT Subject Test: Chemistry Prep Books

The Best SAT Subject Test: Chemistry Prep Books in 2014 are:- 

1-Barron's SAT Subject Test Chemistry, 11th Edition.

-Prepares you well for the test

-Harder than the real SAT test questions.

-4 practice tests with answer keys.

-Excellent material.

-Teacher recommendation.

The updated edition of Barron's SAT Subject Test Chemistry includes: 

-A full-length diagnostic test with explained answers.
-Four practice tests that reflect the actual SAT Subject Test Chemistry.
-All questions are answered and explained.
-Detailed reviews covering all test topics.
-Appendixes covering the Periodic Table, important equations, and more... 
-Both teachers and test-taking students have praised earlier editions of this manual for its wealth of well-organized detail.

Kaplan SAT Subject Test Chemistry 2013-2014.

-Good material.

-Easy to read and understand.

-1 practice tests with answer keys.

-Harder than the real SAT test questions.

Getting into a top college has never been more difficult. Students need to distinguish themselves from the crowd, and scoring well on a SAT Subject Test gives students a competitive edge. Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Chemistry is the most up-to-date guide on the market with complete coverage of both the content review and strategies students need for success on test day.

-A full-length diagnostic test.
-Full-length practice tests.
-Focused chapter summaries, highlights, and quizzes.
-Detailed answer explanations.
-Proven score-raising strategies.
-End-of-chapter quizzes.

-Good material.

-Easy to read and understand.

-3 practice tests with answer keys.

 The 2013-2014 edition of Cracking the SAT Chemistry Subject Test includes:

-3 full-length practice tests with detailed explanations
-Review of all essential content, from chemical equations to kinetics to electron configurations.
-Helpful study lists of key lab equipment and a cheat sheet of important equations.
-Key strategies that will help maximize your score.
-Tons of sample problems and drills with detailed explanations.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Best SAT Subject Test: Biology E & M Prep Books

The Best SAT Subject Test: Biology E & M Prep Books in 2014 are:-

1-Barron's SAT Subject Test Biology E/M, 4th Edition.

-Prepares you well for the test

-Harder than the real SAT test questions.

-2 practice tests with answer keys.

-Excellent material.

Barron's SAT Subject Test Biology E/M, 4th Edition

This updated edition prepares students to succeed on the SAT Subject Test in Biology E/M (Ecology and Molecular). The manual presents-

-A short diagnostic test.
-Two full-length Biology E/M practice tests.
-All test questions answered and explained.
-A test overview and an extensive subject review of all topics covered on the exam.
-More than 350 additional practice questions with answers.
-The practice tests reflect the actual test in format and degree of difficulty

Cracking the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test, 2013-2014 Edition  Princeton Review.

-Good material.

-Easy to read and understand.

-2 practice tests with answer keys.

-Very helpful for the Biology E & M test.

Cracking the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test, 2013-2014 Edition  Princeton Review
This 2013-2014 edition of Cracking the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test brings you:
-2 full-length practice tests with detailed explanations for every question
-A comprehensive review of all test topics, including molecular biology, cellular respiration, transcription and translation, mitosis and meiosis, genetics, evolution and diversity, organ systems, behavior, ecology, and more
-Review quizzes in every chapter
-8 helpful test-taking strategies and special tips for laboratory 5-choice questions

-Good Strategies.

-1567 Practice questions with answer keys.

-Very helpful.

-No practice tests.
This SAT Biology prep book contains over 1,500 Biology E/M practice questions with detailed explanations that will help you to: 

-Master important biology concepts.

-Assess your knowledge of different Biology topics. 

-Improve your test-taking skills. 
-Prepare for the SAT Biology E/M comprehensively and cost effectively. 
SAT Biology E/M 1,500+ Practice Questions by Sterling Test Prep is comprised of all Biology topics tested on the SAT E and M formats. 
Scoring well on the SAT Biology is important for admission into college. To achieve a high score, you need to develop skills to properly apply the knowledge you have and quickly choose the correct answer. You must solve numerous practice questions that represent the style and content of the SAT questions. Understanding key science concepts is more valuable than memorizing terms. 
The explanations discuss why the answer is correct and – more importantly – why another answer that may have seemed correct is the wrong choice. These explanations include the foundations and details of important science topics needed to answer related questions on the SAT Biology E/M. By reading these explanations carefully and understanding how they apply to solving the question, you will learn important biology concepts and the relationships between them. This will prepare you for the test and will significantly improve your score. 
All the questions are prepared by our science editors that possess extensive credentials, are educated in top colleges and universities. Our editors are experts on teaching sciences, preparing students for standardized science tests and have coached thousands of undergraduate and graduate school applicants on admission strategies. 
Cellular and Molecular Biology questions: eukaryotic cell: structure and function; molecular biology of eukaryotes, cellular metabolism and enzymes, specialized cells and tissues; microbiology; photosynthesis. 
Ecology: energy flow, nutrient cycles, ecosystems, biomes; populations, communities, conservation biology. 
Genetics: DNA and protein synthesis; genetics. 
Organismal Biology: plants: structure, function, reproduction; endocrine, nervous, circulatory, lymphatic, immune, digestive, excretory, muscle, skeletal systems, respiratory, skin, reproductive systems; development; animal behavior. 
Evolution: evolution, natural selection, classification, diversity.

Best SAT Subject Test: Mathematics 2 Prep Books

The Best SAT Subject Test: Mathematics 2 Prep Books in 2014 are:-

1-Barron's SAT SubjectTest Math Level 2, 10th Edition.

-Prepares you well for the test

-Harder than the real SAT test questions.

-6 practice tests with answer keys.

Teacher recommended book for the test .

The newly updated tenth edition of Barron's SAT Subject Test Math 2 offers students all the test preparation they'll need with: -A diagnostic test with explained answers to help students identify their strengths and weaknesses.
-Advice on using a graphing calculator.
-A detailed review of all test topics, including polynomial, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, and rational functions; coordinate and three-dimensional geometry; numbers and operations; and much more. 
-Proven test-taking strategies that make the difference between a good score and a great score.
-Six full-length model tests plus a diagnostic test in the book that reflect the actual test in length, question types, and degree of difficulty.
-Additional features include study tips, test-taking advice, comprehensive subject reviews, and extra practice questions with answers covering all test topics.
-A test overview and an explanation of the test's scoring method.

Dr. John Chung's SAT II Math Level 2, 2nd Edition: To get a Perfect Score on the SAT.

-Good tips for the test.

-12 practice tests with answer keys.

-Harder than the real SAT test questions.

ome minor mistakes.

Dr. John Chung's SAT II Math Level 2, 2nd Edition
Designed for students preparing for the SAT II Math Level 2 exam, Dr. John Chung's SAT II Math Level 2 gives students a comprehensive guide of how to approach Math 2 questions with its 57 Perfect Tips, while also providing 12 Mock Tests for intensive practice. This book covers in detail all subjects tested in the exam, making it invaluable resource that enables the student to solve any potential SAT II math 2 questions.

-Easy to read and understand.

-2 practice tests with answer keys (For Math 2).

Use real SAT test questions.

-Good and accurate Practice questions.

The Official SAT Subject Tests in Mathematics Levels 1 & 2 Study Guide. Is the best way to practice for the SAT Subject Tests in Mathematics. Every year nearly 300,000 high school students take an SAT Subject Test™ in Mathematics Level 1 or Mathematics Level 2. Many selective colleges recommend or require them for admission or placement. The Official SAT Subject Tests Study Guide: For Mathematics Level 1 and Level 2 is the only source of official questions and answer explanations for these exams, and it is the only guide developed by the test maker. In addition to two full-length, previously administered practice tests for each exam level, this book also contains complete solutions, answer explanations, and test-taking strategies.

Best SAT Subject Test: Mathematics 1 Prep Books

The Best SAT Subject Test: Mathematics 1 Prep Books in 2014 are:-

1-Cracking the SAT Math 1 & 2 Subject Tests, 2013-2014 (Princeton).

-Covers everything for the test

-Easy to read and understand.

-2 practice tests with answer keys (For Math 1).

Teacher recommended book for the test .

The 2013-2014 edition of Cracking the SAT Math 1 & 2 Subject Tests includes:

-4 full-length practice tests with detailed explanations (2 each for Levels 1 and 2). 
-Comprehensive review of all topics on each SAT Math Subject Test.
-Practice problems for every subject type covered on the tests: Algebra I & II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Probability, Matrices, and Pre-Calculus.
-Step-by-step strategies and tips for solving even the toughest problems.
-Thorough integration of TI-80 graphing calculator techniques.

Barron's SAT Subject Test Math Level 1, 4th Edition.

-Very helpful- good tips and techniques.

-3 practice tests with answer keys.

-Harder than the real SAT test questions.

-Good Practice questions.

The new fourth edition of Barron's SAT Subject Test Math 1 offers students intensive test preparation with: 
-A review of the most important test-taking strategies students should need to know to succeed on this exam

-Topic review chapters covering all the math students need to know for this test, including: arithmetic, algebra, plane geometry, solid and coordinate geometry, trigonometry, functions and their graphs, probability and statistics, real and imaginary numbers, and logic
-Three full-length model tests with complete solutions for every problem are presented at the back of the book. They reflect the actual SAT Subject Test in length, question types, and degree of difficulty.

-Easy to read and understand.

-2 practice tests with answer keys (For Math 1).

Use real SAT test questions.

-Good and accurate Practice questions.

The Official SAT Subject Tests in Mathematics Levels 1 & 2 Study Guide. Is the best way to practice for the SAT Subject Tests in Mathematics. Every year nearly 300,000 high school students take an SAT Subject Test™ in Mathematics Level 1 or Mathematics Level 2. Many selective colleges recommend or require them for admission or placement. The Official SAT Subject Tests Study Guide: For Mathematics Level 1 and Level 2 is the only source of official questions and answer explanations for these exams, and it is the only guide developed by the test maker. In addition to two full-length, previously administered practice tests for each exam level, this book also contains complete solutions, answer explanations, and test-taking strategies.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Best SAT Subject Test: U.S. History Prep Books

The Best SAT Subject Test: U.S. History Prep Books in 2014 are:-

1-Barron's SAT Subject Test: Literature, 5th Edition .

-Good materials. 

-Easy to read and understand.

-7 practice tests with answer keys.

-Harder than the real SAT test questions.

-Very helpful for SAT preparation.

Updated to reflect the latest SAT Subject Tests in literature, this manual presents seven full-length practice tests, and two diagnostic tests. Part I describes and illustrates important test-taking strategies. Because the SAT Subject Test in Literature is a skills test, Part II not only defines and illustrates literary terms and concepts that might appear on the test, but it also provides important instruction and tips to improve critical reading skills.

This is the only book you will need to get the score you want on the SAT Subject Test in Literature. This book contain:-
-Test-taking strategies that make the difference between a good score and a great score.
-Pre-and post-diagnostic tests plus seven full-length model tests that reflect the actual SAT Subject Test in length, question types, and degree of difficulty.
-All questions answered and explained.
-Additional features include test-taking strategies, definitions of literary terms, and instruction on improving your critical reading skills. 

Kaplan SAT Subject Test Literature 2013-2014.

-Easy to read and understand.

-8 practice tests with answer keys.

-Harder than the real SAT test questions.

-Good Practice questions.

Kaplan SAT Subject Test Literature 2013-2014. offer the most up-to-date and complete coverage of both content review and  strategy needed to achieve a high score on these challenging exams, which can be used for college credit at many schools. Each book contains a Kaplan diagnostic test, full-length practice tests, chapter quizzes, score-raising tips, and detailed answer explanations. Also included is a special section with details and advice on the new SAT score-reporting changes.

Kaplan’s Higher Score Guarantee gives students a significant edge during these competitive times. With focused content review, proven strategies for scoring higher, and comprehensive test practice, Kaplan SAT Subject Tests get students ready for test day.
Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Literature includes:

-8 full-length Literature practice tests.
-A full-length diagnostic test.
-Focused chapter summaries, highlights, and quizzes.
-Detailed answer explanations.
-Proven score-raising strategies.

-Easy to read and understand.

-4 practice tests with answer keys.

-Similar to the real SAT test questions.

-Good and accurate Practice questions.

The 2013-2014 edition of Cracking the SAT Literature Subject Test brings you:
-4 full-length practice tests with detailed explanations for all questions.
-A thorough and engaging subject review of prose, poetry, narrative voice, theme, meter, form, tone, and more.
-Tons of sample passages and drills.
-An updated key terms list.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Best SAT Subject Test: English Literature Prep Books

The Best SAT Subject Test: English Literature Prep Books in 2014 are:-

1-Barron's SAT Subject Test: Literature, 5th Edition .

-Good materials. 

-Easy to read and understand.

-7 practice tests with answer keys.

-Harder than the real SAT test questions.

-Very helpful for SAT preparation.

Updated to reflect the latest SAT Subject Tests in literature, this manual presents seven full-length practice tests, and two diagnostic tests. Part I describes and illustrates important test-taking strategies. Because the SAT Subject Test in Literature is a skills test, Part II not only defines and illustrates literary terms and concepts that might appear on the test, but it also provides important instruction and tips to improve critical reading skills.

This is the only book you will need to get the score you want on the SAT Subject Test in Literature. This book contain:-
-Test-taking strategies that make the difference between a good score and a great score.
-Pre-and post-diagnostic tests plus seven full-length model tests that reflect the actual SAT Subject Test in length, question types, and degree of difficulty.
-All questions answered and explained.
-Additional features include test-taking strategies, definitions of literary terms, and instruction on improving your critical reading skills. 

Kaplan SAT Subject Test Literature 2013-2014.

-Easy to read and understand.

-8 practice tests with answer keys.

-Harder than the real SAT test questions.

-Good Practice questions.

Kaplan SAT Subject Test Literature 2013-2014. offer the most up-to-date and complete coverage of both content review and  strategy needed to achieve a high score on these challenging exams, which can be used for college credit at many schools. Each book contains a Kaplan diagnostic test, full-length practice tests, chapter quizzes, score-raising tips, and detailed answer explanations. Also included is a special section with details and advice on the new SAT score-reporting changes.

Kaplan’s Higher Score Guarantee gives students a significant edge during these competitive times. With focused content review, proven strategies for scoring higher, and comprehensive test practice, Kaplan SAT Subject Tests get students ready for test day.
Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Literature includes:

-8 full-length Literature practice tests.
-A full-length diagnostic test.
-Focused chapter summaries, highlights, and quizzes.
-Detailed answer explanations.
-Proven score-raising strategies.

3-Princeton Review Cracking the SAT Literature Subject Test, 2013-2014 Edition.

-Easy to read and understand.

-4 practice tests with answer keys.

-Similar to the real SAT test questions.

-Good and accurate Practice questions.

The 2013-2014 edition of Cracking the SAT Literature Subject Test brings you:
-4 full-length practice tests with detailed explanations for all questions.
-A thorough and engaging subject review of prose, poetry, narrative voice, theme, meter, form, tone, and more.
-Tons of sample passages and drills.
-An updated key terms list.